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Professionals in the sector

Ynova it is more than 20 years in the IT

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All of them, adapted to your budget

Nos Produits

Giant LED screen

The LED screens are of the large screen size. They are completely adjustable to suit in all circumstances.


The outdoor screen is a tv high brightness which allows broadcasts high-resolution video and can be used by any time.

Screen showcase

The outdoor screen is a tv high brightness which allows broadcasts high-resolution video and can be used by any time.

Écran interieur Professionnel

The screens, which allow for the dissemination of media in the window, indoors or outdoors perfect to demonstrate the identity of your shop.

Screen Totem

Les écrans totems sont parfaits pour attirer le regard sur votre boutique, ils sont robustes, personnalisables

Tableaux interactifs

Conçue pour un enseignement contemporain equipée d'une interface intuitive et interactive pour une expérience d'écriture multi-utilisateur. Les élèves et les enseignants bénéficient d'une écriture fluide grâce à la technologie tactile Ultra Fine Touch, ayant une capacité de 40 points de toucher


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We are here to support you for free and without commitment to the realisation of your project !